Family Law


Would $23,000 Make a Difference to You?

Imagine discovering thousands of dollars that belong to you, only to be told you can’t have it. This frustrating scenario became a reality for a woman named Dale Benerofe, a Georgia resident, when she found $23,000 in unclaimed property from her deceased parents. Her tragic story sheds light on a little-known issue that affects millions…

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How Beneficiary Designations Put Your Family at Risk

You’ve worked hard to build your assets and secure your family’s future. Like many responsible adults, you’ve named beneficiaries on your retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and maybe even your banking and investment accounts. It feels good to know you’ve put something in place for your loved ones. But here’s the truth many financial advisors,…

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Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 2 of 4: Vanilla Ice Has Thoughts

This week, we’re continuing to look at the lives of 4 celebrities and how they’re preparing for the inevitable (or didn’t!). Last week, we examined Michael Jackson’s planning and the holes in his plan that resulted in his family being embroiled in court and conflict for 15 years and counting (if you missed it, go…

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Celebrity Estate Plans Series Part 1 of 4: Michael Jackson

What is it about celebrities that always draws us in? For whatever reason, we just can’t resist a good, juicy celebrity story. Maybe it’s because we can relate in some way, or maybe we feel like we can’t relate and that’s what makes celebrities interesting. Their lives always seem attractive but somehow… just out of…


Till Death or Divorce: Why You Need to Plan Now for Your Relationship’s End

After the excitement of Valentine’s Day fades away and the last indulgence of chocolate is savored,  it’s crucial to turn our attention to a topic that may not be as thrilling as the idea of everlasting love: the reality that all relationships come to an end one day. Before you stop reading, hear me out.…

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3 Estate Planning Documents Your Parents Need Right Now

Today, we’re diving into a topic that is absolutely crucial: estate planning for your parents. As they gracefully navigate their golden years, ensuring their peace of mind (and yours!) becomes a top priority. Whether they raised you the way you want, or showed you how you want to do it differently, as your parents’ age,…


14 Ways to Show Your Finances Some Love This Year – Part 1

This week, we explore seven tax planning tips that not only secure your financial future but also spread love and prosperity to those you cherish most. Next week, we’ll be back with another 7 ways to spice things up financially this year.   1 | Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) Taking required minimum distributions…


Holding Space for Grief: Ways to Comfort and Support A Loved One in Mourning

Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging experience, and the journey through grief can be both complex and overwhelming. Unfortunately, we all experience grief at one time or another, and knowing how to manage your own grief and how to be there for others who are grieving is an important skill that can improve…


Transition to Adulthood: What Happens Legally When My Child Turns 18?

Soon after the challenges of puberty and the excitement of high school, an even larger milestone looms: the 18th birthday. It marks your child’s transition from childhood to adulthood, and with it new responsibilities and rights. From a legal standpoint, this milestone also brings significant changes that every parent should be aware of. In the…