
hiring a lawyer

Hiring a Lawyer: What Flat Fees, Hourly Fees and Retainer Billing Could Mean For Your Life and Family

Trying to find the right lawyer to help with legal matters, especially if you are under the gun in a crisis situation, but even if you aren’t, can often feel like navigating uncharted waters. You want to find an attorney you like who will understand your family’s needs, but you also have to consider the…

partnership agreement

How to Draft a Partnership Agreement So You Don’t Ruin Your Life

Partnership can be a rewarding and efficient business model if set up the right way. If your partnership is not set up in the right way, it can disrupt your life for months, years, or more.  The key to a successful partnership is getting the support to craft a robust partnership agreement from day one.  …


Holding Space for Grief: Ways to Comfort and Support A Loved One in Mourning

Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging experience, and the journey through grief can be both complex and overwhelming. Unfortunately, we all experience grief at one time or another, and knowing how to manage your own grief and how to be there for others who are grieving is an important skill that can improve…

trademark your business name

How to Trademark Your Business Name and Protect Your Brand

Your company’s name is more than just a label; it’s a valuable asset that not only represents your brand but represents the legacy of your work in the world as well. It tells your clients, customers, and community who you are and what your business stands for. Protecting your business name through trademark registration can…

Do this by December 21

Do This By December 31st to Get a Year-Long Extension To The Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Deadline

Beginning January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will require businesses to file an annual report about their owners and major decision-makers. If you plan to create a new company, your reporting deadline under the CTA could be as soon as 30 days after the date of its creation. The good news is there’s…

Discussing money with family over holidays

How to Talk Money With Your Family Over The Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner, which means more time to gather with family and relatives than any other time of the year. If you’ve been meaning to talk to your family about money, inheritance, end-of-life decisions, estate planning, and creating a plan for your whole family’s wealth – now and in the future…


Transition to Adulthood: What Happens Legally When My Child Turns 18?

Soon after the challenges of puberty and the excitement of high school, an even larger milestone looms: the 18th birthday. It marks your child’s transition from childhood to adulthood, and with it new responsibilities and rights. From a legal standpoint, this milestone also brings significant changes that every parent should be aware of. In the…

work life balance

How to Find Work-Life Balance As A Business Owner

It’s the end of another full day as an entrepreneur. You shut down your computer, lock up your office, and get ready to enjoy a relaxing night at home. But even though you’re off hours, your mind isn’t. Maybe you run through conversations you had during the day, brainstorm marketing ideas on a cocktail napkin,…

charitable remainder trust

Protect Your Company and Client Relationships With This ‘Second Chance’ Contract Clause

Contracts are the cornerstone of business relationships. From office leases to vendor agreements, contracts establish the rules, responsibilities, and expectations that guide the relationships between the parties involved. Well-drafted contracts avoid disputes and misunderstandings, but they can’t always prevent unexpected issues from happening. That’s where a “right to cure” provision comes into play. A “right…